Saturday Jun 08, 2024

232. Not Getting Discouraged With Stats

šŸŸ¢ 9:01pm, Friday, June 7th, 2024, Garage / Ice Bath, UT


In the past, I used to get very discouraged with the stats of my posts. Not enough likes, not enough comments in enough time, not enough reposts, not enough favorites, you name it. I used to take posts down if they didnā€™t perform well enough. Which is so silly. If itā€™s not performing well, the surefire way to ensure it doesnā€™t perform at all is to take it down. Funny logic there.


I found myself getting a hint of discouragement with the lack of streams in the last couple days. But I was immediately reinforced with the thought that followed. Which was this:


ā€œYou didnā€™t get enough streams huh? What, are you just gonna quit now? Yeah right.ā€


And this was helpful. Because thatā€™s the truth. What am I gonna do? Quit? My left nut Iā€™m gonna quit. Weā€™ve got 7,073 episodes left. THEN I can think about stopping the show. Until then, we keep going.


Also, the RELIEF I feel from not having to grocery shop or meal prep is insane. Iā€™ll pay more to feel this more often and forever. To have my time back? Insane feeling. The next time this happens is when I quit one of my jobsā€¦ Letā€™s go!


IG - @brquse


šŸ’Ž = Valuable Show to Look Back on in 5-20 Years

šŸ”µ = Thought Process, Ideas, Decision Making

šŸŸ¢ = Self Realization, Observations, & Learning

šŸ”“ = Relating to Business

šŸŸ£ = Emotional / Sad / Angry / Frustration

šŸ„“ = Embarrassing Myself

ā™ ļø = 75 Hard/Live Hard

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