Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

180. It’s Only Going To Take 20 Years (OR LESS!)

10:23am, April 16th, 2024, Desk, UT

I used to have the problem of getting upset when I would hear my goals would take 2 years to accomplish. Now? With everything i’ve learned in the last 8.5 months? If it’s less than 20 years it’s quicker than I thought. I am willing to bet that I will attribute a lot of my success in 5 years to this mindset alone. The perspective that anything less than 20 years is relatively fast. I’ll hear big guys in the industry talk about time frames for goals, and I have yet to hear any of them mention 20 years. It’s always 10 or less. Sometimes 15. So with that frame of mind, it makes all of these goals of mine seem more than achievable.

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